Skill Trainings/Capacity building/ Community development

Home Skill Trainings/Capacity building/ Community development

Community capacity building (CCB), also referred to as capacity development, is a conceptual approach to social or personal development that focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people, governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations from realizing their development goals while enhancing the abilities that will allow them to achieve measurable and sustainable results.

Community capacity building often refers to strengthening the skills, competencies and abilities of people and communities in developing societies so they can overcome the causes of their exclusion and suffering.

VARA services include planning of humanitarian and development projects, designing feasibility studies, and management of community-based interventions for the development of target communities through best practices. VARA considers a multi-sectorial approach to Community Development and hence ensures its services to be offered through an extended range of sectors spanning health, education, agriculture.   It also tries to ensure that women empowerment, as a key cross-cutting issue, is at the center of Community Development.

VARA brings expertise in managing large-scale projects and sourcing and managing high quality development experts covering a variety of disciplinary skills required for the implementation of projects. Establishing meaningful partnerships, ensuring diversity and community empowerment with a special focus on women are the core working principles of VARA.

VARA has trained more than 20000 men, women and children in the below training courses in South-western, western, eastern and central provinces of Afghanistan:

  1. Carpet weaving
  2. Net/jacket weaving
  3. Embroidery
  4. Tailoring
  5. Poultry
  6. Lace and cherma weaving
  7. Electricity
  8. Auto Mechanic
  9. Mechanic for generator , water pump repair
  10. Motorbike repair
  11. Mobile telephone repair
  12. Masonry
  13. Carpentry
  14. Plumbing
  15. Painting
  16. Dairy
  17. Refrigerator and Air condition repair
  18. Blacksmith
  19. Metal work and welding training
  20. Beauty parlor
  21. Curtain making
  22. Furniture making
  23. Hygiene/health training